know us
In the STORE tab you will find all our accessories separated by categories. Browse the entire store and add those of your interest to the Cart, selecting the option of color and size, if applicable.
Register your personal data and choose the 'Shipping Method' according to the location of your address. If you are in Cuenca, you must choose the area that corresponds to your address to determine the shipping rate.
You can see our coverage map and enter your address there to find out where you are.
Revisa nuevamente todos los detalles de tu pedido y confirma tu compra dando clic a 'Realizar pedido'. Se desplegará una ventana de agradecimiento y recibirás un correo electrónico con los detalles de tu compra.
En las próximas 2 horas laborables nos contactaremos contigo para confirmarte la disponibilidad de tus artículos y el costo de envío. Ahí te pediremos realizar el pago que puede ser con transferencia bancaria o tarjeta de crédito (Visa o Mastercard)
How to shop?
If we can verify your payment until 2PM we send it the same day and you receive it in 24 to 72 hours, depending on the city where you are. In the case of Cuenca, orders with confirmed payment until noon are distributed between 1 to 3pm, after that time they are delivered after 6pm. You can consult more information about our Shipping Policy here .
At the moment we do not have a payment button enabled to make the payment directly in our online store. However, we offer you several payment options by electronic means so that you can cancel your order easily, quickly and safely. Keep in mind that the following tools are external, therefore, we will not ask you to enter bank or credit card information on our website.
* Due to the COVID19 health emergency we prefer payments by electronic means. We appreciate your understanding.
How to shop?
credit or debit CARD
with payment link
You don't need to download any application. We have 2 platforms depending on the type of card you want to use or the bank of your choice.
1. Datalink is a Datafast platform that allows us to make online payments with Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners and Discover credit cards.
2. RedyPago is a tool enabled by Banco del Austro , it accepts Visa and Mastercard credit or debit cards (which are active for online payments) .
With any platform, the process is as follows:
1. With the data that you have provided us at the end of your purchase, we generate the payment link and we share it by email or whatsapp. 2. When you open this link you will have a secure window with your personal data and the value of the purchase. You will be the one to enter your card details and proceed with the corresponding payment (if you need to defer the payment you will have to anticipate us to register it as a deferred payment).
3. When you have made the payment, it will show you a receipt or electronic voucher, print the screen and send us so that we can register it as paid and proceed with the shipment of your order.
If the link has been generated with RedyPago, you will see a window like this: